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2018 Board of Officers

President: Bob Robostello

Vice President: Albert DiPietro
Treasurer: Dan Chila
Financial Secretary: Gary W. Gill

Recording Secretary: Vanessa Poggioli
Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Blaise Glodowski

Orator: Andy Bay

Sgt. of Arms: Salvatore Denaro

Trustee: John Gatto

Trustee: Carl Peterson
Trustee: Bob Lexa

Trustee: Philip Brice

Trustee: Louis Chellew
Trustee: Alex Silvestro Jr.

Trustee: Reed Rathof


Bar Manager: Joe Saetta                        Membership Chair: Jack Robostello

Rental Chair: Christine Whitelam         

Applicant Screening Committee: Bob Robostello, Joe DeAngelo,

            Don Shaw

Arbitration Committee: George Fisher, Andy Bay, Gary Gill,

            Albert DiPietro, Jason Newman

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